Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I haven't posted in ages.  Sorry!  I do have a good reason though - My trusty laptop died and now I have bought another.  The old one had a dodgy battery anyway and the power socket / power cable stopped.  It was crackling when it was plugged in and it wouldn't start at all.  Thankfully, my college stuff was backed up onto dropbox, so I could just borrow the fella's laptop and then continue with my essay writing.

I got very stressed over that laptop.  I struggled to get it written and it felt very bad.  However, I did pass and I'm onto the second year of the course.  I am finding that it's hard, but it doesn't quite seem like me at the time when I'm doing it.  I'm always amazed by what I've achieved!  What is cool is that I'm recognising things in others and myself.  I'm getting there and feeling a bit more confident in myself.

I've just had a few days off work and I've been knitting for most of it.  In between baking bread, visiting vintage fairs (I will have to photograph my spoils!) and making crumpets anyway.  I'm very glad that I have a slow cooker.  I was able to chop some veg, fry off some sausages and then set the slow cooker and then get on with some knitting. 

I've been watching some of my Mark Thomas collection.  I have some of his stuff on a hard drive here - the Sex, Filth and Religion gig and the Mark Thomas Comedy Product.  I also have a couple of the Dispatches things he did, which was good.  I have his Serious Organised Criminal on DVD.  Met him once when I saw him tour his Walking the Wall gig when I was with my ex.  Brilliant stuff!  I did turn into a bit of a fangirl when I met him though because he's just brilliant.  He signed one of my books :)

Life is good.  Marillion have a new album out and me and the fella went to see them live last Friday in Sheffield.  It was a fantastic gig, but the venue was a bit cramped.  I think normally, they aren't so full, but this one had too many there.  I heard that normally Marillion gigs are sold to 80% capacity to allow us a bit more room, but I believe the venue was sold to capacity.

The gig was my favourite, apart from the venue issues.  It was also my 7th.  It was my fella's first h era Marillion gig and he enjoyed it too.  The new album is very proggy and feels like a bit of a return to their roots.  I love it - wonderful stuff.  I've been listening to it a lot at work and it's been nice to listen to something different at work. 

I will have to do a photo entry soon, with photos of some of the work I've been doing.  I'm off work again in a month.  Hopefully I'll be able to get some Christmas knitting done.  Yes, I'm Christmas knitting, after a few years of sanity.  I'm just going to knit as many socks as I can, or perhaps some of my Flossies as gifts.  I was thinking that they'd be nice in a 4ply yarn, with a slight adjustment for stitch counts etc, and then maybe some beads instead of the bobbles. Hmmm.  I am already picturing the yarn and the beads.  I think this could be promising.  We'll see :)