I have been busy with my knitting, spinning and job hunting, so have neglected posting here a bit.
I am nearly finished Project #3 of my #11in11 project.
Project #1 was Elegance Scarf by Anniken Allis (aka YarnAddictAnni on Ravelry)
This was knitted in Knit Picks Pallette (hah, I got some when they were doing trial shipments to the UK and didn't use it all). The descriptions of the colours on the website LIE! This colourway is / was called Teal. Hmm. Looks *too* green to be teal to me. Meh, I like the colour anyway, so wasn't too worried. Just be aware, that when you order knitpicks (which UK buyers can get from Great British Yarns), the colours may not always reflect the yarn you get.
Project #2 was the Quick and easy Cowl
This was knit in Rowan Natural Silk Aran, of which I have *loads*. I got it in a sale in John Lewis ages ago.
Project #3 is going to be a pattern I have designed myself. I have about 2 pattern repeats left before I bind off, then blocking, then photography. Then the pattern will be published. w00t!!
Project #4 is another quick and easy cowl. However, this one is knit in a slightly different colour and in moss stitch. Moss Stitch drives me batty, so it's slow going! It's for Neil, so is knit in a paler colour and will probably be a bit smaller, as he wants to use it when he's cycling. He didn't want the lace bits in it, which is why I chose moss stitch.
Job hunting is meh. I am applying for 1 or 2 jobs a week, but haven't heard anything yet. I've had someone check over my CV in the last week and have made some improvements, so maybe I will have better luck from now on.
Maybe I'm applying for the wrong jobs too. I was thinking that I might try applying to go on the management training scheme where I currently work. It'll look good on my CV anyway, which will help if I decide that I want to work elsewhere.
I picked up a 1967 Woman's Own supplement, which was sponsored by Courtelle and had loads of patterns using Courtelle (naturally!). One of models is Joanna Lumley :) I was so pleased. I can see me building up a collection of vintage patterns just because I think they are interesting :)
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