I have far too much yarn and have known that for ages but it's been a while since I've gone through it and looked hard at what I have. I've supposedly been on a yarn diet for a long time now, but I have had the occasional yarn binge.
I've changed how I shop now. I don't buy because it's on sale and cheap. Now, I buy it if it's beautiful and I can turn it into something beautiful. Don't keep it if I'm not likely to use it or I'm struggling to think what I can do with it.
Here is a picture of the yarn mountain, pre me sorting it out.
Heh. Yeah I know.
This is the Aran I have in my stash. I don't actually knit with aran that much. I'm a big girl and I tend to avoid anything bulkier than DK for jumpers / cardis / tanks. Not that I tend to knit many garments like that, but I do have plans :)
I've been crocheting a massive granny square blanket for an age and a half - I'm not doing little squares and sewing them together, but just one massive blanket with scraps of blue and green yarns that I have. I did rescue some blue yarn from a charity shop especially for this blanket (yeah I know!), but it was pure wool, which doesn't turn up often in charity shops around here. So yeah. It looks like a lot, but it has it's place.
Here's the unfinished blanket / WIP. It must be nearly 5ft square now and will be massive by the time I'm finished, but it's oh so nice :) When I get my own house, I am totally going with a blue, white and wood lounge.
I have been spinning a lot lately and loving it. I knew exactly what I had - a whole kilo of merino, plus 400g of fibre to be spun, but the enormity of just how much that was didn't occur to me before. Heh. Sounds stupid I know, but meh. Plus, I have a lot of handspun that needs to be knitted up as well - that didn't occur to me either :)
Also, I have a lot of hand dyed yarn - some of it is mis dyed. There are 2 skeins of yellow / orange yarn there. 1 of which got some green on it from the dye pot so is a little muddy and not as bright as it should be. The other skein has tiny little blue marks on it from the dye pot. I felt awkward about giving it to someone because it might look a bit naff if it's a garment like a shrug or shawl. My own reasoning is that they'll be fine as socks.
I got load of yarn from Lidl's that I was thinking that I would dye some for socks. I got about 800g in total, then I saw a pattern that I could use for some of it, so I dyed half of it to turn into a top, but I think I would prefer the same top in cream. So yeah. Not sure what to do with the blue yet, but *shrug*
This is some of the aforementioned "Oooh look it's in a sale, I'll have lots please!" Rowan aran that I got. No plans for it, but I am knitting with a bit of it. I have a suspicion that this will end up in the swap pile. I am currently knitting with a bit of it and I'm not sure whether I will need any more of it.
This is my random pile of stuff. In there is some sock yarn, some Mirasol Hatcho, some laceweight, some Chinese silk. I'm not sure about what I'm going to do with it, but hey ho.
This is more of the sale yarn. I got some use out of it, when I was making my Flossies, especially when I was designing them.
This is the stash of mostly Regia yarn that I got on sale. £1.20 a ball. I'm pleased with this, as this is my yarn for when I want to knit easy socks that I don't want to have to think too much about.
This is some fibre that I have absolutely no use for. It needs carding and sorting, but I have no desire to do either, so I'm going to swap it or offer it up to someone. If anyone wants it, they are welcome to it. The white fibre is Alpaca and the black/white fibre is unknown stuff that came with some bobbins for Doris (my spinning wheel).
Here is the yarn that I have decided that I don't want any more. I was thinking of holding a thing at my house for my knitting group, where my fellow knitters can help themselves to yarn from the box. Anything left goes to charity.
Steer me away from the yarn stores. Unless I am buying notions or patterns :)
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